Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday No Fun Day

WELL WELL WELL. It's been an interesting day to say the least. Megan and Kim left this morning, and I'm back to being alone in my house. I miss them. I already miss the complaining about bum sunburns and mess on my bedroom floor. Seeing them off just wasn't fun. Then, later I read some interesting things on FB and my delicate female condition wasn't quite allowing me to take it well. Silly emotional Hailie. However, I'm so fortunate to have a boy who cheers me up and reassures me that all is well and wonderful. I'm so lucky. I just wanna scream it!! I love him. I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM. Lalalalalallala <3 I'm watching the Jersey Shore OOHH YEAAAH. Boy and I are watching the next episode tonight on Skype. How lame and amazing are we?! Oh yeah :D NOW I SMELL LIKE KING KONGS ASSHOLE.

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