Friday, August 19, 2011

Colors and colors to think about on a Friday

I feel sick. Gah. I don't know why. Perhaps because my body is craving the wonderfulness that is coffee? We shall soon find out, because it's either going to go good or bad from there. I dreamt... about Big Brother. And I also dreamt about a ginger. It was got your average ginger. She was a flourescent ginger, and her earrings matched her hair and eyebrows, which in case you missed the key point here WAS FLOURESCENT ORANGE. Tres interesting. And it also made me realize that you don't want your eyebrows to be flourescent orange. Definitely not a good look at all.
So I jump on my blog to see that the next sketch challenge- is to redesign a book cover. So naturally, I'm going to do so. Which book cover to re-design... i'm not so sure. I was thinking of going after an old favorite from my childhood, and giving it a mature twist considering i've matured since loving that book, but who are we kidding. I pounced on to netflicks last night and found a Robert Munsch special and couldn't help myself. It was there that I heard some old favorites of mine. The Paperbag Princess and, wait for it, wait for it! PURPLE GREEN AND YELLOW. Here is what the original cover looks like:

We'll soon find out what a re-design shall look like!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday No Fun Day

WELL WELL WELL. It's been an interesting day to say the least. Megan and Kim left this morning, and I'm back to being alone in my house. I miss them. I already miss the complaining about bum sunburns and mess on my bedroom floor. Seeing them off just wasn't fun. Then, later I read some interesting things on FB and my delicate female condition wasn't quite allowing me to take it well. Silly emotional Hailie. However, I'm so fortunate to have a boy who cheers me up and reassures me that all is well and wonderful. I'm so lucky. I just wanna scream it!! I love him. I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM. Lalalalalallala <3 I'm watching the Jersey Shore OOHH YEAAAH. Boy and I are watching the next episode tonight on Skype. How lame and amazing are we?! Oh yeah :D NOW I SMELL LIKE KING KONGS ASSHOLE.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

30 Day Sketch Challenge!

   * 1. Self Portrait
I feel vibrant and colorful today! And I love peacock feathers.

    * 2. Imaginary Friend
Meet Melvin!

    * 3. Most Recent Dream  
Definitely a sexy dream!

    * 4. Re-Design Book Cover




    * 5. Childhood Memory
My crazy hair!

    * 6. Whats in Your Bag?

    * 7. Hybrid Animal
    * 8. Scene From a Movie
    * 9. Siamese Twins
    * 10. Super Hero
    * 11. Super Villain
    * 12. An Elderly Person
    * 13. A Freakin’ Baby
    * 14. Portrait of a Pet
    * 15. A Dinosaur
    * 16. Draw Something with Your Eyes Closed
    * 17. A Delicious Food
    * 18. ZOMBIES!!
    * 19. Sea Creature
    * 20. Your Dream Job
    * 21. A Guilty Pleasure
    * 22. Favourite Cartoon Character
    * 23. Actor/Actress
    * 24. A Collage
    * 25. Best Friend
    * 26. Instrument
    * 27. Something with Sentimental Value
    * 28. Your Zodiac Sign
    * 29. The Meaning of Your Name
    * 30. Favourite Outfit.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Oh right- I remember I made a blog months ago. Where were you whenI filled up pages of words?! Lame, meaningless come-togethers of randomness and feelings. I'm taking a break from listening to some Tegan and Sara, contemplating doing the dishes... and thinking about what I could blast from my computer speakers to make the process a little more enjoyable. Something poppish and dancy. Poppish, not poopish. Read that again.

Sigh. Today has been lame. And what's worse is that the sun is shining extra bright. How can you be in such a terrible mood when it's sunny?! My city has it's pro's and cons. I feel like a kid in elementary school. Not only have I just made a pro's and cons list- but on the list lies a mini rant about how I'm having problems making friends. I feel as if I've just moved from one school to another- but it's taken an entire year to realize you're the outcast without any friends. The outcast is talented, and smart usually... but they're initially the smelly kid, or the one that is a little bat shit crazy and sticks pencils in their nose or licks glue sticks. Now, I smell fabulous (not to toot my own horn, but i've been dousing my body in Old Spice's Matterhorn body wash for a whole week at least now) so I can't be the smelly kid. I just feel like the wierd one that nobody particularily invites out to play at recess. I'm probably closer to the kid sticking pencils in their nose and licking glue sticks. This place has been so hot this year, and I haven't been opposed to taking advantage of it's excessive collection of UV rays. I've been eating that shit up for weeks now, and well, I'm initially black. Now what? I've felt so blown off by everyone I know here. I feel like giving up because I'm tired of making an effort. To expand on this, I actually want to get it off my chest and say that it feels like everyone has blown me off. I take a good few minutes everyday to stare at this giant corkboard in my room and tell myself that it's just filled with good memories. In a few years that's what it will be. For now, it's just one giant collection of people that could really give a rat's bum what I'm up to, where I am, or that i've been an emotional ball of yuck for a while now. And as someone once said "Everyone is just wrapped up in their own lives and is too busy." Well, he's probably right, and I'll take it to heart. I will keep myself busy with the things that make me happy and just wish they could have been a part of it. I'll keep on keeping on, waiting and waiting to start my life and I tell you, once I get my cue, I'm going to pounce on it like it's Sebastian Bach in a wet t-shirt.

I have been fortunate to have people in my life who really are there. It just sucks that in order to have a relationship with them I need to be touching buttons or talking to a screen. Sometimes when I do go out, It feels like a minor sensory load. Too much stimulation for my brain and I either get a tad overwhelmed or almost high off of it. It's wierd. It's also probably a terrible sign. I hate going out alone, but maybe I should haha. I do however, have had the priviledge of good friends visiting me in this far away land, and for that I am "ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!" The award goes out to a few wonderful souls and the most amazing man I could possible ask for. Even more fabulous then Sebastian Bach in a wet tshirt. I should really change that comparison of fabulousness to David in a wet t-shirt because that sounds far more exciting. <3 I miss him, and without that man here on my birthday, it just would have been another lame one for the books like the "planned bar/dancing night" that took place the following weekend when he couldn't stay. That was a waste of perfectly good Jagermeister, that's for sure. I wanna call this weekend a redo- but I don't want to jinx it.

I feel like my rant has probably been long enough, well perfect timing actually considering my brother has just finished the dished. Something today has actually gone well! Goodbye and farewell people who aren't reading this! Because nobody will! WOOO HOOOOOO!!! I'm a ghost!! BAHA IM A GHOST AND IM GOING TO GET GHOSTFACE WASTED ALL BY MYSEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLFF.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Big Haired Fool

Alright, so I said at the beginning I would use this blog as a tool to not only verbally throw up everything inside of me- but to explain some of my art.

This piece is titled "Big Haired Fool" and it measures 22"X28"
This is most certainly a self reflection piece. Each face has been tweaked in photoshop using my new favorite tool: color balance. I love the concept of having each color present, even though one doesn't dominantly take over the picture. So, I guess you could say it's a bit of a symbol.

Three of the faces are silly, while one is just simple. The simple face is the quarter that represents the things that "people want you to be, but probably will never become."  Here there are symbols and structures that represent these things. Things that indicate a woman who is proper and ideal. There are a couple of items that include fashion I will probably never indulge in (fashion is a bit of an ongoing theme in this piece because I have encountered people that would "ask" me to wear this and that, do my hair like this do that, which is reasonable, but it would irritate me sometimes because it wasn't me at all.) There is a ribbon from a medal to represent the goals and rewards that i've obtained. They are structured very differently from the goals of others, and it's taken a long time for me to see that the goals I set for myself aren't stupid. The things that I have achieved are things that I'm really proud of, and I'm tired of being around people who don't see the awesomeness in it like I do. The string is plain, there are flowers scattered about, and diamonds all around. Gold chains and jewelery helps build the structure of the hair, along with spoons and forks to represent the stereotypical woman. Cooks beautiful meals, wears expensive jewlery and counts on someone to bring her flowers every special occasion. I will never be this woman, and that's just how it is.

The next face, is the one above it. My lips are together, like I'm giving out a kiss. This face is silly and playful, much like I used to be! This face represents me about 5-6 years ago. The flirt, I guess you could say.There are some photo negative strips from the disposable camera I lugged around, and the theme is "red, black and blue" the favorite colors of the boy I devoted many of those years to. There are guitars everywhere, strips from cassette tapes and skulls and stars. All the classic elements that I believe I've built up from. There is a ring right near my eye, to sort of represent the only piece of jewelery I've really recieved, and it was something special because instead of fancy diamonds and things like that- there was an engraving inside. This face is musically inhibited, and a symbol of the girl I used to be. I've definitely brought all these elements along with me and developed pieces a little more, and let others fade- but it's still a giant part of who I am today.

The next face I will cover, is the one on the bottom left. This face, represents my last two years. In these two years I know I have changed drastically, and there are a few things to point fingers at when explaining. These are the years where I've been trying to figure out what I'm suppose to do, who I'm suppose to be with, how to keep myself together and how to stop myself from becoming a meek person. I wanna be vibrant, energizing and outspoken. Nothing less. My hair is "short" here, like somebody wanted it to be. The colors are a complete representation, and the pieces are actually bits from gifts. This piece has a lot of different undertones, but most of them represent the people we become together. This is probably the hardest to explain because most of the visuals that make up this quarter are mostly sentiment for me. Most of the pieces are from written letters, plaid designs and offbeat patterns. Everything about it is offbeat, in a good way. It's a representation of both things that will stay with me for a long time, and things my mind will go to when I smell certain things, hear certain songs.

The last face is the best, because it is everything that represents me. The things that will always exist. The vibrant colors, the designs. There are a lot of artsy elements everywhere, lots of paintbrushes and makeup brushes... Crazy string and animal print, cameras, and little insiders are everywhere as well. This is me, and to make it even better, I did the wreched "duck face." Sucha great representation of not being afraid to be different and silly no matter what people say. Not worrying about being perfect is the most amazing feeling. People who can watch you be yourself and be in your element is one of the greatest gifts. They get to experience everything you are and that's when you can connect the most. I hate feeling awkward around people, I would love for them to watch a few of my crazy youtube videos, or see some of my art before meeting me so they know that I'm not going to be this elegant little lady. I'm weird and quirky, and when you get to know me and I get to know you, i'm going to talk your ear off and say the most random shit. Some days I'm not going to shower because shampooing my hair everyday wrecks it, and sometimes I wake up and decide that i'm not going to shave my legs. This is me. It's everywhere and a little untamed, but to me it's perfect. It's perfect for me. Everybody looks at someone they really really like and tell them "I love everything about you" and it's not true. Not even close. There are so many differences in all of us and things that will clash. The best thing you can do is learn as much as you can about others, and build a crazy world that embraces all the things loved about one another.

So there is my explination. I have no idea how much you read, how much you understood, but this is what it is to me!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Remember when I was so strange and likeable?

So, here I am. Sitting at the computer looking a little better than usual. I straightened my hair and put on a pair of jeans. Belt- no, so unfortunately my crack is hanging out a little. But it's okay, I only pull it up when I am around people who might care hahahahaha. So, today I worked on my funding application for school. It seems as if I'm putting in a lot of work for something that might night even work. Sad face. I was accepted into the Digital Photography program, but tuition is $17,900... yeah. Ouchie. So if funding won't cover it, i'm scrapping it. I've been messaging and calling local photographers, getting their perspective on it. I'm actually so surprised how helpful they've been. Helpful people just rule. I'm so tired of all the busy folk who are too wrapped up in their own things to devote a little time to anyone else. Not to say I am not one of those people every now and then- but I've been a little flabbergasted lately. I try to stay out of peoples' business, but I like to think that I still stick my hand out if they ever need to grab it. I'm tired of feeling alone in this city. I'm accepting new applications for friends haha ;) JK. But really, if you know anybody in Westbank, let me know because it would be sweet to be close to someone instead of having to go twenty minutes past the bridge. Man, this blog was going in a good direction and I just took it to a terrible level. Sorry folks. Well, on a good note though- I was talking to one of the photographers, and he asked me to send a link to my portfolio, a headshot and a resume... so that could mean something pretty sweet. And, if it doesn't, it was stilla  highlight that it was requested. I`m about to take the dog out, record something random haha, then head over to a few places and ask about putting up flyers promoting my fabulous band-photo-taking blah blah blah and then go hang out at the tattoo shop for a bit.

GAH. The computer basically shut off when I was trying to do my stuff. My mood is getting worse. I'm not sure if I should go leave the house and do those things anymore. I'm afraid that being snappy and aggrivated aren't two good qualities to possess when trying to impress people.

I'm feeling stressed and angry, i'm missing people and all I do is think about it. At least back in my hometown I had people around me to chill with, talk with. Get my mind off things with. Here, I have like a handfull of people who might want to do something... when they aren't busy. I just don't feel right here. I always feel like a bit of an outcast... but I just feel stuck. I have all these emotions that come from this break up and art is sort of all I got here. Nobody wants to hear me talk about it. I'm sick of people saying "well it was probably for the best." Well, it certainly doesn't cushion the blow. I love my mom to pieces, but I'm sick of burdening her with my shit. I don't want to burden anyone... but at the same time, I feel like i've been there for people countless times and i'm wondering where they are to help a brother out. I made this crazy corkboard with my favorite memories, and it breaks my heart to look at it and realize that maybe 5 people- out of the giant collection of pictures- actually talk to me. I read this quote today, and I mean, I think I believe it:

"It's not that people are mean and cruel, they're just busy." -Steven Pressfield

it's the same thing he told me. And that's another circle in the madness of my crazy emotions. Everything reminds me of him. Every piece of advice, every song lyric, every piece of artwork I have. I'm so scared of photos coming up, posts. Bah. It's rediculous. I'm trying to keep myself together and hide it all- but i'm pissed. I'm angry. I'm upset. I keep thinking i'm getting it all together, and I panic because part of me is gone when he's not in my life. It means my whole life is changed, after I made this conscious effort to have him there. Nobody is reading this, what am I doing? I just wanna stop thinking. I distract myself and I never get too far.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let's try this bad boy out.

Well, I used to keep a diary. It worked as a big of an organizer because I could look back and remember what I did that day. Now a days- I do that via photos. I make sure I take at least one photo a day, and I document it on my facebook. I don't know how many people look through it, but it's a bit compulsive for me. I'm watching people left right and center make blogs, and they are all so awesome! People posting art they are working on, feelings all that jazz. It's kind of inspired me. I think I need  a place to get it all out. So, let's give this a go. Later I'll post my new art piece I think, and i'll give the run down of what it all means. For now, I am going to sign off with a picture of myself. Hahahah, oooh yeah.

So, I've been tattooing grapefruit like mad. Yesterday it didn't go as well because the fruit was hard and gushy in the wrong places... but I got some line work practicing happenning. So it was at least a little productive. I've ordered more ink so I don't waste all the "color shots" that the kit came with... They are a one use packet of ink- which is handy when it will come to tattooing people... but when you are practicing it's not so great. I keep thinking i'm wasting it, so when I'm done, I put all the excess ink on a piece of paper and decide that I will make an awesome piece of art with it. I like to say recyle- many like to say hoarding. BUT, the people who say "hoarding" often compliment me for finding a way to use to most random things in my pieces. Ahhhhh. I feel like making some art. Not some grapefruit art today though. Perhaps something else.